- you’re living on a teacher’s salary,
- you’re spending too much of your free time planning,
- you don’t feel confident in teaching some of your state’s standards.
Hi. I’m Michelle, an English teacher who loves planning lessons and helping others, especially kids and teachers (and dogs, as you may notice). That’s why I opened a TPT store and started this blog. I want to continue serving while doing what I feel most passionate about.
Like you, I know what it’s like to live on a teacher’s salary. For many years, I was a divorced mother with two young children in daycare, and I was capital B-R-O-K-E broke, living paycheck to paycheck. Since I know how it feels to live on a tight budget without room for extras, I’m offering you free lessons. I’m using my blog to give you ideas and resources for teaching English and my TPT store to sell inexpensive products.
I also know the overwhelming feeling of being limited on time. Family meals are cooked on Sundays with leftovers eaten for the rest of the week. Car maintenance is taken care of on holidays. Yearly health appointments for the kids, dogs, and me wait until the summer. And cleaning. What’s that? I know you get this because it’s the life you’re living now. Well, I can’t grade your papers for you, but I can lessen your load by providing you with resources for teaching writing and reading.
In the last year, I’ve heard English teachers say, “I don’t understand grammar, so I don’t teach it” and “We didn’t have time to get to that this year” (when referring to sentence clauses and phrases). This is the reason my first resource for teaching writing includes lessons on comma rules. It’s one of the objectives English teachers are required to teach, yet it often gets put on the back burner because of time and/or understanding.
Enter your name and email address below to sign up for my free lessons on comma rules.
Then say goodbye to hours spent on your computer planning, researching, designing, and differentiating. I’ve done that for you.